Thursday, October 6, 2011

Smoltification art opening at Moto-i

Have an October show at Moto-i running for two months.  Been painting late into the night at the Soap factory to the sound of haunted basement construction.  One piece is a fleshed out version of this boston sketch, 'Feeling kind of blue'.

taken while in process

and another in process

To and from New Orleans con postcard

Had a week long trip to Nawlins in August for which I pre made a couple hundred touristic postcards to hock, give away, and leave in shops.  To prep I read a lot about the city's history relating to France, Haitians, slavery growing size as a port town, and of course recurring hurricane run ins. In the end I ended up going a lighter route portraying a sort of jazz funeral parade featuring nutria rats, and drunk bourbonites.  For color reference I downloaded a handful of house and Mardi Gras images sort of in the range of.. this.

Here's the sketches

and the finished piece.  The big easy refers to how easy it is to get work as a musician.

and here's a swoon piece on the fence around a music house being built in conjunction with project air lift (  &  Suffice it to say I can join the throngs extolling New Orleans virtue.